The Untamed
Alejandra is a housewife, raising two boys with husband Angel in a small city. Her brother Fabian works as a nurse in a local hospital. Their provincial lives are upset with the arrival of the mysterious Veronica. Sex and love can be fragile in certain regions where strong family values, hypocrisy, homophobia, and male chauvinism exist. Veronica convinces them that in the nearby woods, inside an isolated cabin, dwells something not of this world that could be the answer to all of their problems. Something whose force they cannot resist and with whom they must make peace or suffer its wrath.
Amat Escalante mixes Lovecraftian science fiction with social commentary as he tackles themes including corruption and social injustice, with a dose of inspiration from Andrzej Zulawski’s Possession, producing a mix that has won acclaim including the Silver Lion at the prestigious Venice Film Festival and Best Director at Austin’s Fantastic Fest.
- Region: B
- Format: Blu-ray
- Prod.yr: 2016
- Genre: Gyser
- Sprog: Spansk
- Spilletid: 99 min.
- Undertekster: Engelsk
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