Star Trek: Deep Space Nine (VHS)


A Cardassian in need og medical attention, is beamed aboard Deep Space Nine. Major Kira places him under immediate arrest since the disease he suffers from could only have been contracted at a Bajoran slave labour camp. She accueses him of being a war criminal but then she has to ntry and prove it...

In the Hands of the Prophets

Life on board Deep Space Nine becomes difficult when a Bajoran spiritualist, Vedek Winn, appears in Keiko O'Brien's class room and accuses her of blasphemy. When Keiko refuses to teach Bajoran religion to the children, Winn begins to incite dissent among the Bajorans on the station...

- Farver

- Prod:yr: 1993

- Sprog: engelsk

- Spilletid: 88 min.

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